A poem by Anthony Webb, member of GREAT's Housing Committee
Where do you want me to live?
I’ve seen new construction down the street,
Corner boys have been replaced by
dog walkers wearing earbuds pushing scrollers,
The Fresh Brew coffee shop just opened up
in the old BBQ joint,
Oh how I long for a rib dinner,
Trash cans have appeared on the avenue
Now garbage has somewhere to hide...
who knew?
People who do not look like me
are seen jogging in the street,
Are they visiting or will they stay?
Old lady Jones moved out the other day
Oh where oh where did she go?
Will I be next?
Being me is beginning to cost too much now,
My lease needs to be renewed
But.....can I?
I want to stay but it could be
cheaper to go,
If go was a place…indeed
Anyway… Can I stay with you?