Germantown Residents for Economic Alternatives Together
The Germantown Mutual Aid Fund came to a close in the Fall of 2021.
Thank you to all who have supported this project.
Between 2020 - 2021 about $160,000 was raised and redistributed to roughly 160 community members to help with primarily housing and utility expenses, thanks to the solidarity of Germantown!
If you need help, we suggest you reach out to
Face to Face 215-438-7939 ext. 220 or
Germantown United CDC (215) 856-4303.
Both of these local organizations can help you connect to other resources and financial assistance.
Germantown Mutual Aid Fund is a community-generated gifting fund created to help stabilize our community and reduce financial hardships brought on by impacts of COVID-19.
Core values of this fund are:
Every donation is a gift, any amount donated is generous and meaningful.
This project uses a “solidarity” model. We are all interconnected. Everyone has ways they can “give back” and we are united together in our need for a better world.
We are building a stronger local culture of care.
We are putting action to Love Thy Neighbor and to help stabilize the members of our community.
Trust in each other. Trust that our needs are real and that we are all doing the best we can.
We are pooling donations together and inviting requests for financial assistance. This is ongoing.
This project is Volunteer-Run. We will do the best we can with what we have.
We may update our process and guidelines as we go along, while we learn about the best way to do this work.

Photo by Jill Saull. "Granny graffiti" by Carole Loeffler.
What exactly is mutual aid? Here, here, and here are some mutual aid stories from around the country. More info on mutual aid.
If you want to offer or request mutual aid in the form of errands, services, or favors, look into our Time Bank. For example: picking up a prescription, picking up groceries, walking a dog.
(The Time Bank = mutual aid in the form of service ...
The Mutual Aid Fund = mutual aid in the form of financial assistance)
Here's a list of other local resources that may help-- food, government assistance, etc. ​
Mutual Aid Fund Committee
Felicia Coward
Tiffany Dominique
Barbara Dowdall
Lindsay Stolkey
Jill Saul
Susan Christian
Cathy Brown
Marie-Monique Marthol
Brenda Littlejohn
Amani Bey
Questions? Contact 267-551-0662 or germantownmutualaidfund@gmail.com