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Neighbors helping neighbors-- free of charge-- plus a free vacuum cleaner and nice pair of pants

Written by Susan Lee Barton (originally posted on Facebook February 2020)

It's interesting how little effort it takes to make a difference for some people. Our time bank had a "free swap" today when people could bring stuff (good condition) which they wanted to get rid of, and could take anything there for free. I volunteered to help carry stuff in from cars for 1/2 an hour. I also saw a few people who needed help carrying stuff out. One elderly woman who lived a block away was obviously having trouble w/a large bag of clothing. I walked the blockhome w/her, and she acted as if I had saved her life. I carried stuff for another woman going to the bus stop directly across the street from the church where we had our free swap. She couldn't get over the fact that someone wanted to help her like that!! One woman wanted to pay me. I said the whole point of the event and the time bank is for neighbors to help neighbors. She was amazed that people want to do that! Two people told me that God had sent me just when they most needed the help. All that for a 1/2-hour of my time! (Plus I got a working vacuum cleaner and a nice pair of pants!)


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