By Muriel Simmons
Germantown is where I live. It’s unique in the diversity of people. However, while we can’t deny that it is named Germantown, because of the people who first settled here, Germantown also has African origins. I found out that my family has roots here that go back to the late 1800’s. As an African descendent I must recognize that in addition to African roots Germantown has other ethnic roots. It is place people from many backgrounds have histories and experiences.
When thinking of what is happening currently, my thoughts are that we are from one section of a city, but part of a globe of other humans. We are not the first to live here nor will we be the last. This virus crisis makes me aware that regardless of our position on this planet, no one is better than another. If we stop and think very carefully, we can see that the virus doesn’t care particularly about our status in this world. We all have lungs and bodies that can be affected equally. We have equal rights in being affected by something so small we can’t see. And we can’t be sure if it will catch us, no matter whom we are.
I can see as much good in this as well as bad. In the end, I have learned that all humans are valuable. All of us work in one way or another to move the society forward. I am grateful to have a family which I love and which loves me. I am grateful for so many other things I really can’t count. Please take a moment and count your blessings because we all do have them, especially the air we breathe. And especially those of us unaffected by this virus and other respiratory diseases.
While quarantined in my home, I am praying for myself, my family and a future that is best for all of the humans who occupy this planet and this small part of the world called Germantown.
